Behind The Red Light District: March 2020

Another one of Charles Geerts’ buildings if I’m not mistaking, which puts the price tag around 1 million euro. It’s probably another example of a placeholder, not paying the full price for their rent. I doubt with such low interest they are able to pay the full rent, so this is probably one of those businesses that get a huge discount on their rent just to occupy the place as place holders. Judge for yourself. Here are some pictures from some of the streets before the closures. Ironically the same people that complained about the Red Light District before and were happy that they closed down window brothels are now the same people that complain about the huge amount of cheese, wafel and ice cream shops (the center of Amsterdam has 90 of them!). A forgotten piece of Amsterdam what once used to be women’s workplace. All pictures were taken on a regular Friday afternoon at 2 pm, a normal time for any shop to be open, and for people to visit the area, especially in the center of Amsterdam. The shop was closed however at 2 pm in the afternoon on the Friday we took this picture, נערות ליווי במרכז נערות ליווי and the times it was open few people go inside.

Often it’s closed, like now when we took this picture at 2 pm in the afternoon. Inside it’s cluttered, messy and further nothing has changed since it was a brothel, except the fact that now you can see a couple of guys playing a radio station behind the windows, in stead of some women. I knew all the women that worked here, I’ve only seen a few of them now working elsewhere in the Red Light District, their income has declined however since this was one of the most popular places for clients to visit. After: Red Light Radio. After: Also this building is not in use. Also this building was owned by Charles Geerts, meaning the costs of this building comes down to about 500.000 euro. Also this building was owned by Charles Geerts, putting the costs again around 1,5 million euro. After: Before there used to be 2 windows on this side, and 3 windows on the other side in Dollebegijnensteeg as part of this building. Before: Brothel with 2 prostitution windows, part of the same building on the other side in the Dollebegijnensteeg.

Not sure how much these windows were paid for, but since they’re usually worth depending on how many windows there are, this is probably a pretty expensive building around 2,5-4 million euro, rumors even say much more. There’s also not much to buy, it’s just one drink that apparently will magically cure your hangover. Another one of the former buildings of Charles Geerts if I’m not mistaking, costing about 1,5 million euro’s again. One interesting detail however is the painting hanging in the top window, of a nude woman. Good question! The building is currently being considered to re-open again as a window brothel under Project Own Window, נערות ליווי בבת ים if they ever get that project of the ground. Well, if you call being empty and forgotten high class. So I’m not sure if you can call it an upgrade, and inside it’s too empty looking for נערות ליווי נערות ליווי באילת me to call it a ‘high class establishment’, but I’ll leave that up to you to decide. Is it a high class establishment? As you can see, no upgrade or high class establishment here. Again no upgrade or נערות ליווי high class establishment.

Funny enough, it’s the most successful ‘upgrade’ this project has achieved. What have they achieved in that area? A lunchroom? Besides, why do we need a lunchroom here, while on the corner there’s also a lunchroom many people already go to, including all the prostitutes that work in this area? Is that trying to profit from the area’s fame as a prostitution area or just coincidence? Before: Brothel with 1 prostitution window. Before: Brothel with 5 prostitution windows. If you liked this article and you would like to receive more facts relating to 21babe kindly stop by our page. But is turning a brothel into a museum posing as a brothel an upgrade? Again, no upgrade or high class establishment, just more neglect. But I’m pretty sure a shop like this isn’t a ‘high class establishment’. The fact that their website is still under construction suggests it’s a start up company, and also the inside of the shop looks like it doesn’t have a large budget. Most of the times it’s closed, just like how you see it in the picture.


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